Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology

The creation of Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology was a dream of Plant Pathologists of early seventies who were inspired by doyens such as Dr. N. Prasad and Dr. R. Prasada. For quite some time prior to 1969, a large number of researchers in the field of Mycology and Plant Pathology were feeling the necessity of an additional journal to publish their research findings without delay. This need was obviously due to an increase in the number of Agriculture Universities and Research Institutions in India after independence, and consequently there was an increased output of research on fundamental and applied aspects of Mycology and Plant Pathology. The idea to start a new journal of Plant Pathology with its head quarter at SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner, Rajasthan emerged during September, 1969 in an informal discussion of faculty members of Plant Pathology with late Dr. R. Prasada. Dr. Prasada shouldered this responsibility and issued a circular to about 200 researchers on 14 October, 1969 to gather the opinion for starting an additional society and publication of the Journal.
The second circular was sent in December 1969 to plant pathologists all over India inviting them to become members of the Society. The Journal was finally titled as, “Indian journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology”. In response to the circular, 58 scientists sent their membership fee in 1970.
In managing the affairs of the society and its publication some problems were experienced during 1970 at Jobner being a village with no printing facilities.